Beautiful beds, pots and containers start here

The best garden starts with the best plants, - easy to grow and care for, healthy and disease-resistant, lots of long lasting color, either subtly, bright and clear or with the wow-factor. This is exactly what Proven Winners is about: plants that are proven for performance and colour, plants that can be trusted, ideas and support on how you can grow, maintain, and enjoy beautiful garden beds and containers.
Proven Winners® Plants

Proven Winners are top performers – we constantly search the world to find and select plants which are clearly superior to others of their type. A plant with poor genetics or a limited range of performance is only of limited interest to both growers and gardeners. Potential new candidate plants are then trialed in our test gardens in different climates throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The plants that make our final cut are chosen for their all-season color and bountiful blooms, resistance to disease and insects, and tolerance for adverse conditions. This rigorous selection process takes two to three years to assure Proven Winners plants perform better in as many situations as possible while using fewer chemicals. Reduced chemical usage benefits both your gardening budget and the environment.